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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

heh im sec 4 this year! time flies mannn
hahaha i haven blogged for super long!
so..im gg to study hard this year so tat i can get into jc!
oh oh O level chinese results next week..
i tink i have to drop hcl soon/:
please i pray for a B3..
bleh,okay gtg study now!

please God i pray for a B3.
please,it means a lot to me!

posted @ 5:15 AM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i just came back from confirmation retreat
and i kind of miss it:(
hahaha i tot i would have cant wait to get home!
at the start of the camp it was like tat,but now it isnt:D
i miss my room mates cos they were really funny:D the ris low catwalk thing:D
oh well..

posted @ 3:07 AM

Thursday, December 3, 2009

tmr i have confi camp and guess wat??
i got my mence>:(
means i have to bring pad to camp,and it takes up lots of space>:(
i really really hope it will end soon.plssss?
not like last year during church camp too,i had my mence then:(
it was an unpleasant experience for me okay.anw i haven pack my bag yet.hee. too lazy uh.
hahaha,but on a brighter note,i packed my table today!YAY:D
finally the constant nagging of my mum paid of man. i packed it today by just chucking the unwanted things into a cupboard=)
haha actually i cleared most of the table.not all,but still at least i cleared:DD
ok and i read 2 chapters of my new geog tb,and i still have a little more holiday hw to be done,and im so proud of myself cos i actually touched my chinese hw:D yea man!
i actually borrowed a bk from vina and read it, no doubt a few pages only,but at least i read some. im gg to continue reading it.and i bought lian he zao bao and did the chinese hw too:D
ok and i oso plan to do my tys for maths and a maths.
cool.im on the way to become a cool nerd=D
and i have to do my tuition hw for science,so yea:D
hee.i really hope God will give me the concentration to study harder for next year and not to give up!
chi zhi yi heng
oh and may God bless my whole family and keep us healthy for our trip. Amen.
i guess tats all for now. bye.

posted @ 1:17 AM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


posted @ 11:13 PM

nvr judge a book by its cover
i was shocked when i heard it too
cos i nvr expected you to be this type of person
u have been a good fren to me,though i haven known u for long
but i nvr expected u to be like this,
but i wont look down on you just because of this:D
i will promise to try to forget abt wat i heard abt you
and treat u normally just like before:DD

posted @ 10:19 PM

Sunday, November 29, 2009

wow,cedar is an awesome sch:D
yesterday we went for cedar's open house and their sch was big,and its nice[:
like when u enter their sch,it feels nice and awesomely cool!!=D
hahaha.i tink my sis is gg there next year:P
im eatin ice-cream now=)
i haven been really studying much yea,zzzzzzzz
im gg to start soon[:
my stomach has this weird pain,like when u are nervous tat type of thing.i hope it goes off soon!

posted @ 2:41 AM

Monday, November 23, 2009

today i went ps
i tell you next time when i grow up and i become rich or smth,
i will build a shoping mall
and instead of each level having different varieties of shops,i will make each level have the same needs. like eg,level 1: accessories,level 2:food
instead of level 1:food,accessories,stationeries
isnt tat much easier?
today my mum and i went to ps and we walked super long up and down just trying to find one shop
and cos the directory was all the way at the ground floor,we didnt want to go down and see where the shop was and come back up again
we walked and walked ok>:(
until we found tat shop,and we went in and found the white dress
but we didnt buy yet,we only reserve
u see,i don even noe where i can get a white dress,luckily mc told me:D
but its so weird cos i don wear dresses at all hahaha...
or should i just borrow from someone?zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

posted @ 12:52 AM